What's new in Skype 6.5?

There is a new release to the popular audio and video IM. Microsoft has just published Skype 6.5 for Windows. Let's take a look at what has changed.

According to Aga Guzik - head of Desktop Product Marketing at Skype - the new version brings improved stability of video concersations, along with better-designed notifications for faster search". Now it is also easier to send and accept contact requests, since a new request is intuitively displayed in instant message view.

Along with such improvements there are some important bug fixes delivered with Skype 6.5. The program is now more stable and does not crash when trying to exit it or send a file to a friend. The extremely annoying problem of "cancel all" button - which did not work in the case of either sender or receiver of a file - has also been dealt with. From the 6.5 version the transferring process of a file can be aborted at any moment.

Keep in mind that Skype 6.5 is still in its beta version and there may be still some minor bugs and stability issues. Nevertheless, thanks to all the fixes and improvements the potentially unstable beta version may still work better than the previous "stable" release with all its bugs.
