Search results for: Windows 11

Twitter app and more confirmed for Windows 8

Five cool tricks of Modern IE11 on Windows 8.1

Microsoft works hard to make Internet Explorer modern, fast and more secure. Now, IE...

Windows Live Messenger to be switched off in March

It is not a complete surprise for Microsoft users that their Windows Live Messenger a...

A quick way to replace any Windows system files

Replacing or modifying system files in Windows without taking their ownership first c...

How can you download Windows 8 ISO from Microsoft?

Some time ago Microsoft offered a deal to Windows 7 users: they could purchase Window...

Microsoft: Four million Windows 8 upgrades so far

Useful commands for Windows you should know about

There are some things on Windows that can only be done from the command line. Some of...

How to Make Windows Store Apps Launch at Startup.

Adding programs to launch on startup when your computer boots is relatively easy and...

How to Restore Your Windows 10 Registry if You Forgot to Manually Back it Up.

Something you may not know about Windows 10 is that it automatically creates a backup...

How to Stop System Startup Popups After Updating to Windows 10 Fall Creators.

If you have recently updated to the Windows 10 Fall Creators update and are now seein...

How to Disable Drag and Drop or Adjust Its Sensitivity on Windows 10, 8, 7.

The drag and drop function on all version of Windows is a very handy, helpful tool fo...

How to Fix Black Folder Icon Backgrounds on Windows 10. (Fix Icon Glitches)

If you are using Windows 10 and have recently noticed that some of or all of your sys...

How to Fix ‘The specified network name is no longer available’ on Windows 10.

Windows 10 is generally considered a stable, user-friendly operating system. As good...

How to Fix Microphone Not Working on Windows 10 Version 1803. (April Update)

If you have recently updated to Windows 10 version 1803 (April Update) and are now fa...

How to Restore an Image (ISO) Backup Created Using Windows 10 Built-in Tools.

If you have made a backup of your Windows 10 operating system state using the built-i...

How to fix Windows Upgrade Error Write 0x0000065e while gathering/applying Object.

Learn how to fix Windows Upgrade Error Write 0x0000065e while gathering/applying Obje...

How to Fix: NO_USER_MODE_CONTEXT Blue Screen of Death (BSOD) Error on Windows 10.

A short tutorial showing you how to fix the issues causing blue screen of death error...

How to disable the right-click menu (Context Menu) in the Start menu on Windows 10.

A short tutorial showing you how to quickly and easily disable the right-click (conte...

How to Restore TrustedInstaller Ownership to Files, Folders, and Drives on Windows 10.

If you have changed the ownership of a file, folder or drive on your Windows computer...

How to Open, View, and Read Different Ebook Formats on Windows 10, Android, and iOS.

A short tutorial showing you several different ways you can open, view, and read diff...