Learn how to delete all files from Google Drive. A quick and easy way to clear everyt...
A short tutorial showing you how to get around the annoying issue caused by Asus Aura...
Just like you can do in VLC Media player and a ton of other programs, you can also us...
On rare occasions during an update or installing a new app from the Google Play Store...
A short tutorial showing you how to add notes, reminders or anything else important t...
No one likes being forced into doing something or using something they don't like or...
Based on HTML5 language, a new technology allows its users to conduct voice and video...
Ctrl+C hotkey allows you to copy parts of text into the clipboard, but along with the...
A short tutorial showing you how to clear your Microsoft Edge Chromium cache and cook...
A short tutorial showing you how to fix the issue causing Corsair Void Pro Wireless h...
Learn how to force Microsoft Edge on Android to always open websites using their desk...
A short tutorial showing you how to fix the cause of the problem that is preventing M...
Android is very stable mobile operating system and is rarely affected by operating is...
Learn how to stream Disney Plus, HBO Go, Netflix, Prime, Apple TV, etc over Discord.
We are storing more and more files in a cloud, especially when it comes to the data w...
Learn how to customize what you see on the Firefox Quantum New Tab (Highlights/Topsit...
What's the best ad blocker still working in 2023/2024? Ublock Origin, Ghostery and Ad...
Learn how to stream content you are watching in VLC over Discord. A quick and easy wa...
A short tutorial showing you how to make exceptions for programs and apps when using...
A short tutorial showing you how to set automatic BCC for email sending on Android de...