Search results for: Premiere Pro

How to Use More Than One WhatsApp Account At the Same Time on Windows 10, MacOS, and Linux.

A short tutorial for WhatsApp users on Windows 10, Linux and MacOS who want to use mu...

Ballmer: 9 out of 10 copies of Windows in China are pirated

How to Install and Use Android on Your Computer or Laptop. (Not Blue Stacks)

A guide showing you how to install and run Android on your Computer or Laptop. This m...

How to Make Your Photos Stand Out Using Adobe Photoshop Express. (Free on the Windows App Store)

If you want to improve your photography game without having to purchase apps like Pho...

How to Make Google Maps Remind You Your Bus, Tram or Tube Stop is Coming Up.

Everyone who uses public transport on a regular basis knows how easy it can be to mis...

How to Use the Instagram Direct App and Where to Find it. (Android and iOS)

Instagram has officially split their app in two, following the same path as Facebook...

The Best Open-Source App Builders of 2021

There’s been a rapid (almost magical) demand and increase in the use of smartphones a...

Where Are Apex Legends Screenshots Kept? Can’t Find Apex Legends Screenshots.

A short tutorial showing you where to find screenshots taken in Apex Legends on PC. A...

How to Add Notes, Reminders, and Events to the Calendar From the Windows 10 Taskbar.

A short tutorial showing you how to add notes, reminders or anything else important t...

Free Duty Calls Game Parodies Call of Duty, Promotes Bulletstorm

How to Block Access to Websites on Android Devices.

Blocking websites and website access on your computer is a relatively easy task that...

5 Android Apps to Help You Take Better Selfies.

Five great Android Apps that will help you get your selfie game on point this summer....

What else do e-sourcing events bring to businesses besides minimum prices?

If you are thinking about how to deal with the waste of the procurement budget or eve...

Q1, 2011 Marks the Death of Intel's Core i5 750 and i7 975

How to Add a ‘Create Restore Point’ Option to the Windows 10 Context Menu

If you often find yourself creating System Restore points because you are forever mak...

How to Refund Digitally Purchased Xbox One Games and Windows Store Purchases.

If you are having buyer's remorse after purchasing a digital copy of a game for Xbox...

How to fix There is no TPM available. Please check BIOS settings on Windows 11.

Learn how to fix There is no TPM available. Please check BIOS settings on Windows 11....

How to fix ‘There has been an error’ in Microsoft Store.

Learn how to fix Microsoft Store error message - ‘There has been an error’. A common...

What should you do before putting an old laptop or phone on sale?

Selling a used, no longer needed electronic device is a great way of getting back som...

Most Anticipated PC Games of 2011