If you have been using Twitter for a considerable amount of time, you’ll know just how annoying it can be seeing the same content over and over again. Thankfully, there is now a quick and easy solution to seeing the same content over and over again on Twitter, allowing you to hide Tweets you’ve already seen/viewed.


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Twitter is probably the most unusual of all the major social media platforms on the Internet. In terms of content and function, it’s pretty damn basic. That said, it is still controlled by algorithms that can and do set you down specific paths. Although they are nothing as intense as Facebook, Instagram and YouTube, they can still be annoying.

Thankfully there is a fantastic new way to stop seeing the same Tweets over and over again when you browse or refresh your Twitter feed. Because having to see the same posts over and over again until something new comes along is tiresome, a clever little Chrome extension has been put together that gives you more control over the content you’ve already interacted with.

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Is there a way to stop seeing the same Tweets over and over on Twitter? Hide Tweets you’ve already seen?

Because sorting through the same content over and over again to find new stuff is bloody boring, you’ll probably find this new Chrome extension called Just Arrived quite useful. Although this guide is tailored to Google Chrome, you can use it on any Chromium-based browser, including the new version of Microsoft Edge.


Just Arrived is a fantastic little extension that allows you to sort new and old content with ease, to start using it head on over to the Chrome Web Store and add Just Arrived to your browser. Once you have done this, using Just Arrived to hide old content on Twitter is super easy as most of it is automated.

How exactly does it work? Each and every time you visit Twitter (when you are signed in of course) Just Arrived will record the tweets and content you have scrolled past, then dramatically dim them the next time you visit the page. Allowing you to breeze on past content you’ve already seen. Now the word ‘record’ probably has you worried. However, no data is harvested and no information ever leaves your browser. On top of that, the data gets cleared each and every day. That said it’s probably a good idea to check back from time to time as updates do change how extensions work. Over the years, we’ve seen very basic and unintrusive extensions become major data harvesters once they have gathered enough users.

On a side note...

If you are currently still studying and would like to check out the soon to be released Facebook Campus feature, make sure you check out the following article. Facebook Campus is a new back to Facebook’s roots attempt at connecting college students at individual campuses around the world.

How to get Facebook Campus. Registering for Facebook Campus.