How to use Google Maps to find the cheapest petrol/fuel/gas.

If you are looking for a quick and easy way to find out the cheapest petrol, gas, fuel, prices in your local area or an area you are planning to visit. It’s now possible to find out this information directly within the Google Maps app. With gas prices through the roof at the moment, this is one of the best ways to go to the cheapest place within your vicinity.

Related: How to get your house blurred on Google Maps. Hide your house on Google Maps.

With petrol, fuels, gas, (whatever you call it) prices through the roof at the moment, everyone is looking for the cheapest fuel in town or at least within a certain distance from their current location. I know I’m personally on the lookout for the cheapest petrol station in town during my daily travels. There’s nothing worse than fueling up only to find a location just around the corner with way cheaper prices.

Although there are plenty of fuel watch services around that show you all the current petrol prices. They aren’t the most convenient to use and often don’t work internationally. Which is why Google adding Gas prices to Google Maps is such a handy feature. Starting today it’s now possible to open Google Maps and see the price of petrol wherever you are in the world. For now, the feature doesn’t show the prices of every single service station or gas station around but it does show a large portion of them already which is pretty handy.

How do you check the price of fuel, petrol, gas using Google Maps on Android and iOS?

To begin, you’ll need to make sure your Google Maps app is up to date. Once you have the latest version do the following.

How do you check the price of fuel, petrol, gas using Google Maps from the web?

If you prefer to check the price using the web version of Google Maps rather than the mobile app, you will need to do the following.

You will also notice that on the web version you won’t be able to check any other fuel prices outside of unleaded 95. If you want to view more info you’ll have to use the mobile app or another fuel pricing service. It’s a silly omission but one we, unfortunately, have to deal with. Hopefully, with time more service stations are added to the list with more options to view information. Overall this is a really handy feature to have at your disposal with gas prices as bad as they are it pays to shop around for the best deal.
