If you have started using Microsoft Edge Chromium recently and are very much enjoying it but would like to take advantage of all the cool Chrome themes. This article will show you how to get Chrome theme support for Edge Chromium. A feature not currently supported in Edge by default.


How to Stop LinkedIn Showing Someone You Viewed Their Profile.

Microsoft’s sudden announcement that it would be moving Edge over to the Open-sourced Chromium engine took a lot of the tech industry by surprise. However, now that Edge has finally re-released on Chromium it’s starting to look like Microsoft made the right call. If you haven’t already checked out the Chromium version of Edge yet, it’s certainly worth doing.

Although Edge now has access to the full Chrome extension library, it is still limited (by default) to two main themes. Light and Dark… If you aren’t a fan of either of these, it is possible to take advantage of a lot of Chromes themes, however, does require a little investment in your time to do so. So follow along as this article shows you how to start using Chrome themes with Microsoft Edge Chromium.

Related: How to Add Mouse Gestures to Windows 10.

How Do You Use Chrome Themes in Edge Chromium?

In order to install a Google Chrome theme in Edge Chromium, you first need to get the CRX file for the theme. To do this you will need to use an extension called Get CRX, which you can find on the Chrome Web Store. Once you have installed the Get CRX extension go to the page of a Chrome theme you would like to use with Edge.

chrome themes dont work on edge
When you are on the theme’s homepage, right-click on the Add to Chrome button and select Get CRX of this extension. This will open a download window for you to save the CRX file to.

Use_Chrome_Themes on_Microsoft_Edge_Chromium_

Next, open the extension page in Edge Chromium by typing the following into the address bar and pressing Enter.


Make sure that the toggle for Developer Mode is turned on. To do this find the CRX extension, click Details.

how do you use custom themes on edge chromium

Then flip the Developer Mode toggle in the bottom left-hand corner to On. Once it has been enabled to back to the main extension page.

Use_Chrome_Themes_on_Microsoft_Edge_Chromium Edge

Now, drag and drop the downloaded CRX file you got earlier onto the extension page and click Add Theme. This will finally install the theme automatically on Microsoft Edge.


Note: The Chrome theme which you have installed on Chromium Edge will not appear on the Extension page.

If you don’t like the theme after seeing it for the first time, use the Undo button to quickly remove it. Otherwise, you will have to follow a slightly more complex process to remove the theme. Which you can find below. This is just a quick tip to save you some time.

How Do You Uninstall Chrome Themes in Edge Chromium? Uninstall ‘Get CRX’ Themes From Edge Chromium?

As we briefly mentioned above, uninstalling themes is a little more complicated. First, visit the landing page for the theme that you wish to uninstall and get the Theme ID from the page URL. (The latter part of the URL) If you aren’t sure what part check the screenshot below.

why dont chrome themes work in edge chromium

Next, copy the Theme ID to your clipboard, then navigate to the following path in using File Explorer:

C:\Users\\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Edge SxS\User Data\Default

Here find a file called Preference, then right click on it and open it with Notepad. Now search for the Theme ID that you earlier copied using the Find tool found under Edit. When you find it, it will look something like the example below:

theme":{"id": "


Now remove the Theme ID until it looks like the example underneath.

theme":{"id": "


Once you have done so, Save the Preference file and the theme will be removed from Edge Chromium.

Other Useful and Important Microsoft Edge Chromium Guides.

While you are exploring Microsoft Edge Chromium, make sure you check out some of our other helpful articles, which will guide you through a range of different Microsoft Edge Chromium features and settings.

How to Create Extra Profiles in Microsoft Edge Chromium.

How to Disable Data Collection in Microsoft Edge Chromium.

How to Install Chrome Extensions on Microsoft Edge Chromium.

How to Clear the Cache and Cookies in Microsoft Edge Chromium.

How to Change the Address Bar Search Engine in Edge Chromium.

How to Install a Website as an App on Windows 10 Using Edge Chromium.

How to Enable Dark Mode in Microsoft Edge Chromium. (Edge Chromium Night Mode)

How to Enable Sync Between Edge Chromium and Edge Android. (Enable Edge Chromium to Edge Android Sync)

