How to Stop Windows Duplicating Desktop Wallpapers Across Devices.

Windows and OneDrive both have sync options that allow you to sync certain kinds of content and settings between all of your devices including your system wallpapers. However, there are times when Windows ignores your settings and syncs everything between all devices all the time. Which means you mean end up with duplicate wallpapers on multiple devices that you didn't want. If so follow along as we show you how to solve and prevent this issue.

How to Stop Windows Duplicating Desktop Wallpapers Across Devices.

Syncing settings between Windows devices is a handy feature and one that a lot of people take advantage of but it can be annoying when you want all your settings to sync except for your wallpaper. While this has been an issue on Windows ever since sync became a feature there are ways to solve the problem, all of which are listed below.

Review and Adjust Device Sync and App Settings.

As we mentioned above there are sync settings

OneDrive Sync Settings

Sync Settings in Windows

Windows 10

Windows 11

Use Different User Accounts for Each Device. (No Sync at all)

Using separate accounts for each device ensures that settings and files, including desktop backgrounds, are not automatically shared. This helps maintain individual preferences and settings on each device.

What's Causing Wallpaper Syncing Issues on Windows 11?

Nine times out of ten this issue is caused by incorrect Windows or OneDrive sync settings. Usually because of user error, however, that isn't always the case. Windows updates also reset settings that you thought were set in stone.
