If you are running Windows 10 on your computer, you will know that in order to shut down your PC correctly, you have to enter the start menu, click the power Icon, then select shutdown. What you may not know though is that you can also shut down your computer using the same sliding method as a Windows 10 phone.


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Now that you've been enlightened, you are probably asking yourself, how the hell is this feature any use to me as I don’t have a touchscreen, I have a monitor. Well here's some more news. Even if you don’t have a touchscreen, you can use this function with your mouse substituting your finger swipes. If you are the proud owner of a touchscreen Windows 10 computer, this will be an even easier way for you to shut down your PC.

How to Shutdown Your Windows 10 Computer With a Sliding Manoeuvre.

In order to start using the Swipe to shut down your computer option, you will have to create a shortcut in which you can click each time you wish to turn off your computer. The first step is to go to your desktop and right-click anywhere on the screen that isn’t on an icon. When the menu opens, scroll down to New and select Shortcut. Upon completing this command, a new window will be displayed in which you will have to indicate the path of the Slide Screen function. So enter the below information.


When you have entered the following destination into the box, click the Next button. This will open a new screen which will display a box for you to choose the name of your shortcut. Once you have come up with a fantastic name for the shortcut, all you have to do is click Finish.


Now on the desktop, you will see the brand new icon, this will allow you to shut down your computer using a slider, just like on a Windows 10 Mobile Phone. In order to use this, simply Double-click the new shortcut with your left mouse button. Doing so will initiate the slider shutdown protocol in which a slider will be brought down from the top of your screen. In order to use this slide just click anywhere on it and drag it to the bottom of your screen.

Dragging the slider to the very bottom of your screen will trigger the shutdown process. This will work in the exact same manner as it would if you were to use the old method of clicking power and selecting shutdown from the options. If you are using a Windows 10 computer with a touch screen, you can obviously just use your finger to swipe down to start the same process.

NOTE: If you are using a Dock on Windows 10 For example Rocket Dock, you can also create a shortcut with the same address and it will work in the exact same manner.
