If you have and use Google Calendar for all your hourly, weekly, daily and yearly tasks, this guide will show you how to share your Google Calendar with specific people such as your friends and family. Alternatively, if you’re into planning public events, it will show you how to share your plans publically for anyone to access.


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Since the beginning of time, there have been countless different ways to make sure important events, dates and plans haven’t been forgotten. From taking notes and drawing pictures on clay tablets to writing notes on scrolls made from papyrus. Fast forward from the dark ages to now and apart from a minority of super disorganised people, the average person still likes to keep track of most of their important daily, weekly, monthly and yearly tasks. Things like doctors visits, parent-teacher interviews, university assignment and of course birthdays.

If you’re looking for a new way to keep all your plans in order or have been using it for a while, Google Calendar is a great, super easy to use tool that will no doubt keep you running like a well-oiled machine. And its most recent update now allows you to share your calendar information in a variety of different ways.

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How to Share Your Google Calendar Information With Specific People.

Because most people who use Google Calendar aren’t going to want to share their information with the world, this guide will start with sharing your information with very specific individual users. To begin, go to the Google Calendar Website and sign into your account. When you are logged in, go down to the section that displays all your different calendars and click the 3 vertically stacked dots to access the settings menu. This will open a new menu where you will need to choose Settings and Sharing.

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Here, scroll down in the centre of the page until you see the headline Share With Specific People. Now all you have to do is choose who you would like to add to the list and what sort of access/permissions they will have.

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How to Share Your Google Calendar Information Publically.

To share your Google Calendar information publically, the steps are identical to the first option. However, you won’t need to scroll down as far to find public sharing, simply find the Make Available to Public tick box and accept the changes. Once done, your information will be made fully public and will even be searchable in Google search. The easiest way to share your calendar info, once you’ve made it public, will be to use the Get Shareable Link option.

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With this link, you can quickly and easily share your plans in group chats, forums and of course every other place you can paste a link. Full public sharing isn’t going to be for everyone but if you’re running a club, or another public group it’s a great way to make sure everyone who needs know plans does. For example, my local archery club uses this system to plan all the years important shooting events and the occasional club working bee.