How to set up and use the Favourites list on Instagram.

If you are using Instagram and follow a ton of different people and pages, you will probably have noticed that you don’t always see everyone's content. Sometimes you may miss several of their posts. Thankfully, in an attempt to address this problem Instagram has added a new option that lets you set up a favourites list which you can switch to, to view a specific set of people you follow.

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There have been a lot of people complaining about not seeing content from people they follow on Instagram over the last few months. The only way to see certain content has been to visit the person, company, or brand page directly. Obviously, this isn’t an efficient way to keep up with things, especially if you have a massive following list. In an attempt at addressing this issue, Instagram have introduced two new ways to choose what posts you see in your Feed: Favourites and Following. 

The biggest change between these two options is that they will show you posts in chronological order so they won't be affected by annoying algorithms that show you what they want you to see. There have also been some changes to the way suggested posts work, however that is still yet to be proven, as they are still currently useless and spamming from everything we’ve seen so far. 

How to create a Favourites list on Instagram.

To create your favourites list on Instagram, you’ll need to make sure that you have updated the Instagram app on your device, then do the following. 

Keep in mind that you can also only add fifty people to your Favourites list so make sure you choose wisely. The list is private so no one else can view it and users won’t be notified if you add or remove them from your favourites list. On top of this, posts from accounts on your favourites list will also show up higher in your home feed, and be marked with a star icon. You can customise your Favourites list at any time by tapping the icon in the top right-hand corner of the screen once you have selected your Favourites list.

Although the change is quite nice we still feel a lot more can be done to make the entire Instagram experience feel more customised to our preferences rather than just a place to bombard users with suggested content and ads with a splattering of the content we’ve actually chosen. 

Can you customise your Instagram Favourites list from your computer?

Sadly at this time, there is no way to customise your Favourites list from the web/pc version of Instagram. There is also no way to switch between Favourites and Following from the PC version. However, this may all change in time as the web version of Instagram has been getting a lot more features lately. 
