How to Set Specific Websites to Mute By Default in Google Chrome.

If you like to have a ton of different tabs open in Chrome but don’t want all the website audio to crowd your speakers or headphones, you’re in luck. This guide will show you how to mute specific websites the tabs websites open into. There is one catch though, but we’ll get to that a little further down.

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For the time being, muting individual websites in Google Chrome is a little bit more complicated than you might expect. It’s not yet a simple case of finding and clicking a volume icon. This is where the catch we mentioned earlier comes in. Muting specific websites in Chrome will require you to be using Google Chrome Canary, which is Google's developer/beta test version of chrome.

It is reported to be a little unstable at times, however, I have been using it for a while now without any issues, so if you are keen to try out the Chromes latest test features, Canary is a great place to get a head start. You can find the Download link to Google Chrome Canary below. 

Download Google Chrome Canary.

How to Mute a Specific Website In Google Chrome Canary.

Once you have Google Chrome Canary installed on your computer, you will be able to start the process.


The new path should look like the one below. (remember username is your accounts username)

C:\Users\username\AppData\Local\Google\Chrome SxS\Application\chrome.exe" --enable-features=SoundContentSetting

As soon as you reload the page, the settings will take effect and the site will be blocked from playing audio. Muted websites will show a Mute icon in the tab. Unfortunately, clicking the icon won’t mute or unmute the website, in order to unmute a site you will need to go back into the sound settings and choose Allow.  

It’s important to note also, that once a website is blocked from playing audio, it will remain muted until you manually re-enable audio again. Even after you restart your computer. The main difference between muting websites and muting tabs is that muted websites remain muted even if you open content from the same website domain in different tabs.

Although this feature is currently only available in Google Chrome Canary, it’s only a matter of time before it is added to the standard version of Chrome.  
