How to Opt Out of Meta AI Training on Instagram and Facebook.

It's not really a surprise but Meta is currently using all your data, photos, posts, and captions on Instagram and Facebook to train its AI models. As is always the case, the feature is enabled by default, and hidden so deep within the settings it's nearly impossible for anyone to find it. the good news is that we know exactly where it's located and will happily show you how to stop Meta from using your Facebook and Instagram content to train AI.

How to Stop Meta AI Training AI Using Your Instagram and Facebook Data and Images.

Although Meta provides an option to opt out of using third-party data for AI training, this does not extend to your data from Facebook and Instagram accounts "Naturally". they've also made is super complicated to opt out of the data collection process requiring you to navigate a confusing maze of pathways to get to the source. Once done, you'll have to complete a form to request your personal data removed. The only data that isn't used to train AI are private messages but we really doubt that. According to Meta's privacy policy, “Even if you don’t use our products and services or have an account, we may still process information about you to develop and improve AI at Meta.” This means if someone shares your image on Facebook or Instagram, it may become part of the training data. They make sure they win either way! Even if your Instagram is private your data will be collected. To remove your personal data collected from third-party services by Meta, follow these steps:

Opting Out of Meta’s AI Training on Android and iOS

Stop Facebook from Training on Your Data on the Web

This is how you can stop Meta (Facebook & Instagram) from using your personal data collected from third-party services for its AI training. Meta has faced numerous privacy controversies but continues to collect user data without adequate consent. Any fines are just a cost of doing business expense these days. Everyone is always opted in with the option to opt-out hidden so deep no one will ever find it. Adobe has been doing the exact same thing with their AI training models as well so if you want to opt out of that check out the guide below.

How to opt out of Adobe's Content Analysis.
