If you are using Windows 10 in an environment controlled or semi-controlled by an administrator, you may encounter ‘Windows Update Cannot Currently Check For Updates Because Updates are Controlled’ error. If so, this article will show you how to remove the block and allow Windows 10 update normally.


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Although most people generally leave Windows 10 to auto-update whenever it wants to. There are still quite a few individuals and entities that place restrictions on these updates. In most cases where an update block is in place, you will see the following message: ‘Windows Update Cannot Currently Check For Updates Because Updates are Controlled’

In all most all cases you may receive this message, there’s a good chance you probably shouldn’t be trying to bypass it anyway, however, there are always situations you may need to. Which is what this article will show you how to do, so follow along as we get started.

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How Do You Fix Windows Update Cannot Currently Check For Updates Because Updates are Controlled?

Before you start the steps below, it is important to make a System Restore Point, in case you need to revert back to a previous system state. If you haven’t created a restore point before open the start menu, type Restore, then select Create a Restore Point when it appears on the list. In the new window that appears on the screen, click Create in the bottom right corner of the screen, then follow the on-screen instructions.

With a safe point set, open the Windows Registry Editor by pressing Windows Key + R, then type regedit into the Run tool text box and press Enter. When you have the tool open in front of you, navigate to the following location using the left-hand pane of the Registry Editor.


Once you are in the correct location find the WindowsUpdate key (folder)in the Windows folder. If the key (folder) doesn’t exist, which is quite possible, you will need to create it so right-click on the Windows key (folder) and select New > Key. Name the new key WindowsUpdate

Next, create a new subkey inside the WindowsUpdate key (folder)called AU. Now, select the AU key (folder) and right-click anywhere in the right-pane, select New > DWORD (32-bit) Value and name the Value AUOptions.

Finally, double-click on AUOptions and change the Value Data to 5, then click Ok to save the change. By changing this value to 5, you’ll be able to take control of Windows updates. Now all you need to do is Restart your computer for the change to take effect.
