How to Fix Windows Error 0x00000709: Operation Could Not Be Completed.

Windows error 0x00000709 is a commonly found error that is generally associated with printer settings, specifically setting a default printer. It does happen at other times however those instances are far less common. If you are having trouble with Error 0x00000709 Operation could not be completed, follow the steps in this guide to rectify the issue.

How to Fix Windows Application Launch Error: 0xc00007b 0xc000007b.

As well as error code 0x00000709: Operation could not be completed, you may also come across another error without a code, It will be an Access Denied error. If you are also seeing this error you can follow the steps in the Registry tweak section of this article. Before you start any of the steps in this guide, make sure you have double checked the physical connections on your device. If all is good you can proceed with the below steps.


Enable Hidden Administrator Account.

A simple fix you can try is to enable the Hidden Windows Administrator Account and try to make the changes using it. If this doesn’t work continue through the fixes using your normal account. If that fails try again using the Hidden Admin Account to run through the steps.

Set Default Printer as Administrator.

This fix is specifically for the times you see Error 0x00000709 when dealing with a printer. If you are getting the error code for other reasons that aren’t printer related, skip to the Repair corrupted System Files steps.

If you are trying to set a default printer and the process is failing every time, follow these steps closely as they will grant your full admin rights which should fix the problem.

This small change should fix: The operation could not be completed error.

Fix Error 0x00000709 Using the Windows Registry

As a precaution, before starting this fix you should make sure you have a backup of your Windows registry, in case you need to restore it if you make an error or something goes wrong. Below are the steps you can follow to make a backup of your Windows Registry.

Once you have a backup, you can also take the added precaution of making a system restore point which can be done equally as easy. Open the Start Menu, type Restore, from the options that appear select Create a Restore Point. Now all you have to do is follow the instructions given by Windows.

Ok With all the Precautions out of the way we can begin the process of tweaking the Windows Registry.

HKEY_CURRENT_USER \ Software \ Microsoft \ Windows NT \ CurrentVersion \ Windows.

If it doesn’t and you still can’t change the default printer you can try two things. First go back to the same location as above in Windows registry. Click on Windows, you will see a couple of  Strings, double click on Device and change its value to: The printer name you want to set as default. For example: MG4200 series _0947AA000000. So, Just put this name as value. (I’d suggest copying and pasting the name)

The second options is to delete Device, LegacyDefaultPrinterMode and UserSelectedDefault, then try the process again.

Repair Corrupt System Files.

If you are still receiving error messages, you can run SFC and DISM commands, to repair corrupt system files. This should get rid of Error: 0x00000709: Operation could not be completed.

Fix using the SFC Command.

Before starting these steps, make sure you have a backup of your data, in case something goes wrong. You should also have a restore point set. If you aren’t 100% sure how to create a restore point, open the start menu, type Restore, then select Create a Restore Point when it shows on the list. From the new window that appears click Create in the bottom right section of the screen, then follow the instructions given by Windows. Once you have successfully made a restore point you can continue with the steps below.

         Advanced Startup options for Windows 8 and 10.

Fix using the DISM Command.

If the SFC command didn’t fix any corruption problems you can try running the DISM command to fix SFC problems.

You can now try to make the changes to your printer. If none of these fixes work for you, you might have to raise a ticket at the Microsoft support page.
