How to fix WiFi or Network icon missing on Windows 11.

If you have recently updated Windows 11 to the latest version and have noticed that you no longer have a working Network or WiFi icon or don’t have any network icons. This article will show you several different things you can do to solve the problem and restore the WiFi/Network icon to the Taskbar on Windows 11.

Related: How to fix Windows 11 Update error 0x800706b5 - We’re having trouble restarting to finish the install.

Windows 11 continues to get new and interesting features and design tweaks every couple of weeks. Along with quite a few unintentionally added bugs and errors that are also finding their way in. The latest set of problems to be introduced to Windows 11 are linked to Network functionality and have a range of different variations. For example, the Wifi icon may go missing from the Taskbar. The Network icon may be missing from the Taskbar. You may lose VPN functionality entirely. Or you may just see the Offline icon in the Taskbar regardless of your connection status.

First of all, if you lose your Internet connection whenever you connect to a VPN there isn’t currently a solution for this. The only fix is to clean install Windows with an older version or uninstall the update that caused the issue. For the other issues, you’ll need to follow the steps shown below. Just keep in mind that this issue is a temperamental one so you may not get the success you’re hoping for.

How do you fix Missing WiFi and/or Network icons on Windows 11?

The first thing you can do to try to restore the WiFi icon to the Taskbar on Windows 11 is to uninstall and reinstall your Network Drivers. If you aren’t sure how to do this follow the steps shown below.

Note: If you can’t find specific drivers for your device, you can leave Windows to find and install them automatically. Sadly this doesn’t always work out for the best but it is still a valid option.

Reset Network Settings to restore the network icon to the Taskbar on Windows 11.

You can also try resetting your Network settings to solve this problem.

Uninstall the last Windows Update you had.

If this issue happened around the time of your last Windows update, you can always uninstall the update and go back to the previous version of Windows 11. Just be aware that there is only a limited amount of time you have the ability to do this.

Reset Windows 11 using recovery tools to fix.

If nothing so far has worked, you can reset your computer to a clean installation. You will, however, have to reinstall all your programs and apps. Make sure you have backed-up all of your data as well.
