How to Fix VCRUNTIME140_CLR0400.dll is Either Not Designed to Run on Windows or It Contains an Error Issue on Windows 11

Error "VCRUNTIME140_CLR0400.dll is either not designed to run on Windows or it contains an error" on Windows 11 is a rather annoying error message that sounds super bad and super hard to fix. And while it isn't super bad it is super annoying though there are quite a few different fixes you can use that should fix the problem for you. Whatever you do though don't go and download another VCRUNTIME140_CLR0400.dll from somewhere! That is the worst thing you can do!

How to Fix VCRUNTIME140_CLR0400.dll is Either Not Designed to Run on Windows or It Contains an Error Issue on Windows 11

This is a bit of a long shot but it's also one of the quickest and easiest things you can do. So just check for an update and cross your fingers that it works! If it doesn't there are plenty of other steps below that have a better success rate.

Reinstall Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributable

If repairing doesn’t work, reinstalling ensures fresh, intact files.

Alternatively: While the above method works it's a bit more messing around than this one so I just grab a bulk installer and go from there. It does a better job and saves a ton of time.

Reinstall the Affected Application

If a faulty app installation caused the issue, reinstalling it can help.

Run System File Checker (SFC) and DISM

Corrupted system files or a damaged Windows image can interfere with DLL functions. Running SFC and DISM can repair these issues.

What is VCRUNTIME140_CLR0400.dll?

Windows relies on Dynamic Link Libraries (DLLs) to store reusable program functions, optimizing system performance. The VCRUNTIME140_CLR0400.dll file is part of the Microsoft Visual C++ Redistributable package, a set of libraries required by various applications, especially those built with Visual Studio. It also plays a vital role in supporting the Common Language Runtime (CLR), and facilitating communication between applications and Windows.

When this DLL file is missing, corrupt, or incompatible, affected applications fail to launch, resulting in an error message. Interstingly, without these files, you can get an error message in any kind of software on your system, including games.

Common Causes of the Error
