How to fix update error 0xca020007 on Windows 11.

If you are trying to update your Windows 11 computer but keep getting update error 0xca020007 and the update fails. This article will show you several different things you can do to solve the problem and get Windows updates to work once again. As this guide contains several potential solutions you should work your way through the list from the top down for the best results. 

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Windows update errors are some of the most common errors on Windows operating systems and can occur for anyone at any time without any real reason or warning. Everything can be going wonderfully and then Boom! Chaos. In my personal experience with Windows update errors, it’s usually the previous update that causes issues with the future update. Especially when it comes to feature updates (the big ones that come once a year).

Thankfully there are a variety of different tools you can use to solve this problem. The only issue is that you will probably need to try more than one solution to solve this problem, so don’t give up and quit because the first one didn’t work for you. 

How do you fix Windows 11 update error 0xca020007? Windows 11 update error 0xca020007.

A quick and easy solution update error 0xca020007 is to run the Windows 11 Update Troubleshooter.

Clear Delivery Optimization Files on Windows 11 to fix update error 0xca020007.

If the Update Troubleshooter didn’t fix update error 0xca020007 try clearing Delivery Optimization Files.

Uninstall the last Windows 11 update that was installed to fix update error 0xca020007.

If you still have the option to uninstall the latest Windows 11 update that was installed on your computer do that. If you aren’t sure how to check out the article linked below.

How to uninstall a bad Windows 11 update. Rollback a Windows 11 update.

Download and install the latest update for Windows 11 to fix update error 0xca020007.

Download and install the newest windows update after removing an old one. (Skip the problematic one) This will bring with it any fixes that may help solve this error message. There may not be any available, however, it is worth a try. To force a manual update go to Settings > Windows update > Check for updates.

Try to manually update Windows 11 using the Microsoft Update Catalogue to fix update error 0xca020007.

If the Windows Troubleshooting tool doesn’t solve this problem the next best option is to manually update Windows 11 to KB5614697 (or whatever you need). Simply visit the Microsoft Update Catalogue website and download the update you are currently having problems with. Just make sure you get the update that’s being problematic for you, or a newer one. Don’t worry if you pick the wrong one, Windows won’t let you install it anyway.
