How to fix the Windows 11 Mail app not working with POP & IMAP email.

If you have updated to Windows 11 and have recently noticed that one of or all of your POP or IMAP email addresses doesn’t receive or send any emails. This article will show you several different troubleshooting steps you can take to solve this issue to get POP and IMAP emails working once again.  

Related: How to stop Microsoft Teams constantly asking to sign in with a password.

The Mail app on Windows is one of the most useful preinstalled apps on the entire operating system. It’s easy to set up, easy to use and allows you to add any email address you want. Unfortunately, on Windows 11, there seem to be some major issues with POP and IMAP mail services sending and receiving mail properly. 

If you recently updated to a newer version of Windows 11 and have noticed no mail coming through the best thing to do is revert back to an older version. If it hasn’t been more than nine days since the update you can go back a version and wait for Microsoft to address the issue officially. If you can’t go back to a previous version because you’ve waited too long, you’ll need to follow the troubleshooting steps shown below. 

How do you fix the Windows 11 Mail app not sending or receiving mail from POP and IMAP services? 

If you couldn’t roll back to an older version of Windows 11, the next best thing to do is update to the newest version of Windows 11. At this point things can’t get any worse so you’re hoping for an official fix will be rolled out in an update. If there aren’t any updates available, or updates don’t do anything, continue with the other troubleshooting steps below. 

Repair the Mail app on Windows 11 to fix no incoming or outgoing mail.

Note: Before you start these steps make sure you have backed up any emails.

Delete the email account you’re having issues with and add it again.

If repairing the Mail app on Windows 11 didn’t work for you, you can try deleting the email account you’re having trouble with. Once you have removed it, you can add it again and it should start working. To remove an email account from the Mail app on Windows 11 you’ll need to do the following. 

Note: Before you start these steps make sure you have backed up any emails.

Reset the Mail app on Windows 11 to fix no incoming or outgoing mail.

Note: Before you start these steps make sure you have backed up any emails.
