How to Fix the NVIDIA App Gaming Performance Issues.

The Nvidia App, which is replacing both Nvidia Control Panel and GeForce Experience, is a nice new update but it seems to come with a small caveat: A performance hit when using certain overlay features. While not everyone is using filters if you are you may be taking a 16% performance hit doing so. So in this guide, we're going to guide you through the fixes until the issue is patched officially.

How to Fix the NVIDIA App Gaming Performance Issues.

In order to solve this problem you will need to make the following changes to your settings in the NVIDIA app. Once done you'll get an instant performance boost. Thankfully you do not need to completely uninstall the NVIDIA app to fix this problem. We explain the reasoning behind that a little further down.

What is Causing Performance issues in the NVIDIA app?

The NVIDIA App consolidates several tools and settings previously spread across multiple programs. It offers a lot of features but these are the 3 primary ones.

The overlay feature is particularly feature-rich, allowing gamers to customize their experience with game-specific adjustments and live feedback. However, it’s also "the suspected" source of performance issues in some games and situations. In some texts it can reduce performance by up to 16%

Hardware Unboxed on YouTube investigated the situation and found the following results after extensive testing:

The benchmarks showed that the performance dip comes from specific overlay features and not simply from having the app installed. This means that you don’t need to uninstall the NVIDIA App or disable the overlay entirely.
