If you are trying to set up and use Suyu Android but keep getting "An Error Occurred Initializing the Video Core" error message whenever you try to start/launch a game. This article will guide you through some of the troubleshooting steps you need to take to solve the problem of getting games working in Suyu Android.

- What causes Suyu Android error: An Error Occurred Initializing the Video Core
- How to fix Suyu Android error: An Error Occurred Initializing the Video Core
Table of Contents
How to Fix Suyu Android Error: An Error Occurred Initializing the Video Core.
For 99% of people who are getting "An Error Occurred Initializing the Video Core" in Suyu Android, the issue is more than likely that your device isn't up to the task. Suyu Android requires really high-end devices to work. Below is the minimum device spec to use Suyu Android
- Processor: Snapdragon 865 or better
- Graphics: Adreno 600 or higher (preferably Adreno 700). Mali support has been recently added for the selected hardware.
- RAM: 6GB (8GB is best. I'm yet to see a 6GB device work)
- Operating System: Android 11 (12 to 14 is better)
If you don't meet and exceed all of these requirements Suyu won't work.
Suyu Android Performance and Compatibility
While you are probably really, really hoping that Suyu Android will work on your device, I hate to break it to you but it more than likely won't. No matter how many options, settings and different driver configurations you try to use, Suyu just isn't going to work. All you can really do is make sure that you are running the latest version of Android, with the latest version of Suyu Android installed. Outside of that the options are fairly limited. However, if your device is one of the few that supports custom drivers the steps below will show you how to use them.
How to Install GPU Drivers for Suyu Android.
Suyu Android GPU driver installation at the time of writing supports a very limited number of GPUs. Therefore, if you own a mid-range or lower-end device, it is likely that you won't be able to use Suyu Mobile at this moment. You can find Suyu Custom Drivers < here. Once you have the drivers downloaded, do the following.
Open the Settings menu on your device.
Tap on "Install GPU driver."
Navigate to the location where you saved the GPU driver files.
Ensure that the driver files are in a zipped format. If they are unzipped, Suyu will be unable to install them.
If you ever need to revert back to your old drivers, simply go to the "Install GPU driver" section and tap on "Default." This will restore your device's default GPU drivers.
How to Fix Suyu Android Can't Use the Touch Controls.
If you recently updated Suyu Android and now can't use touch control all you need to do to solve this issue is Reset the Overlay. Once you have Reset the Overlay you will be about to use touch controls in Suyu Android again.