How to Fix Starfield Crashing on Windows 11.

If you have downloaded and installed Starfield on your Windows 11 computer but are having some issues with crashing in game at launch as well as some general performance issues. This article will show you several different things you can do to solve the issue and prevent Starfield from crashing on your Windows 11 device.

Related: How to bulk install Game Updates and DLC in Yuzu Android.

Starfield is one of the year’s biggest game launches but it has a lot of hype to contend with, especially after Baldur’s Gate 3’s massive, record-breaking launch. Traditionally Bethsada games have a history of bugs and problems so things are already working against them, at least in a historical sense. However, times change and things may be better than we’re all used to.

That said, there are still some launch and crash issues with Starfield that you may need to address early on. While these aren’t necessarily entirely game-based and possibly local system issues you’ll need to troubleshoot all the avenues so follow along as we show you how to fix the crashing problem in Starfield on PC.

Check Starfields System Requirements. Don’t Run on Hopium!

Before attempting any fixes, ensure that your computer meets or exceeds the minimum system requirements for Starfield. If your hardware falls short, it is the reason you are having major crashing issues with Starfield. Even if you are using FSR or DLSS.

Starfield PC Minimum system requirements

With this hardware, you'll likely be able to play Starfield at 720p or 1080p with a solid frame rate of 30 FPS on Low settings.

Starfield PC Recommended specs

In most cases, the recommended specs will enable you to turn settings up to Medium or High and enjoy a decently high framerate while playing at 1080p or 1440p.

Verify & Repair Starfield Game Files (GAME PASS)

If you are playing Starfield from the Xbox app and Game Pass you can try verifying and repairing game files. This is a really easy process but it can take a little time to complete.

Verify Starfield Game Files (STEAM)

Sometimes things just randomly go wrong with game files. Especially on Windows 11 or if you are using mods. So if either of these are relevant to you I suggest verifying your game files to solve the problem.

Update Graphics Drivers with a clean install using DDU.

Reevaluate Your Overclock Settings. Aim for Stability Not Raw Power.

Adjust In-Game Graphics Settings Manually.

It Looks like you’re waiting for Updates and Optimisations.

If you’re still having major issues with Starfield crashing after trying everything shown above you’re going to have to keep an eye on official game updates and patches. So ensure Starfield is up to date. In most cases, game issues are gradually fixed through updates. So If the game continues to crash despite troubleshooting, consider waiting for further updates and optimizations before playing. I suggest switching back to Baldur’s Gate 3 for a while.
