Split Fiction is a fantastically optimized split-screen co-op game, praised for its performance on multiple platforms. However, as you progress beyond Chapter 2, you may encounter micro-stuttering, screen tearing, FPS drops, and out-of-memory errors. As the game progresses everything about it starts to get more and more complex so devices with less than ideal hardware are going to suffer. This guide will help you deal with some of the performance issues in Split Fiction to improve your gameplay experience.


  1. Learn how to fix Split Fiction Out of Memory error on PC.
  2. Fixing bad performance in Split Fiction after Chapter 2.

How to fix Split Fiction Stutter & Not Starting (out of memory)

While Split Fiction is well-optimised there are a few people who are experiencing significant FPS drops, particularly during action-heavy sequences in later chapters. More than likely these are hardware shortcomings but if your system is up to the task you can try doing the following.

  • Pause the game and open Options > Graphics.

  • Locate Shadow Quality.

  • Lower it one step down from Ultra to High.

  • This can result in a 60% FPS boost, increasing FPS from 36 to 54.

  • Further lowering it to Medium or Low can improve performance slightly more, but High is the best balance between quality and performance.

Split Fiction - Enhancing Visual Quality with Upscaling & Supersampling

If you have extra FPS to spare, consider increasing the resolution scale for a sharper image.

  • Set Anti-Aliasing to Temporal AA (TAA).

  • Increase Resolution Scale:

    • 150% for a noticeable sharpness boost.

    • 200% for maximum clarity (if your system can handle it).

How to fix split fiction (out of memory)

  • If using DirectX 12, enable AMD FSR 3.1:

    • Set it to Native AA for a clearer image compared to TAA.

    • If you need more performance, choose FSR 3 Quality or Balanced.

Note: Avoid setting resolution scale below 100%, as it introduces excessive blur.

Fixing Screen Tearing in Split Fiction.

If you experience screen tearing, enable VSync:

  • Open Options > Graphics.

  • Turn on VSync.

  • This will eliminate tearing but will lock FPS to your monitor’s refresh rate (e.g., 60Hz = 60 FPS, 120Hz = 120 FPS, etc.).

Fixing "Out of Memory" Errors

Generally, when you get the Out of Memory error in Split Fiction it is because you are using an older GPU that more than likely barely meets the minimum requirements. So in this case you can try the following.

  • Find the game in Steam or EA App.

  • Right-click the game and select Properties.

  • Under Launch Options, type:


How to fix split fiction stutter & not starting (out of memory)

  • Launching in DirectX 11 mode improves compatibility for older systems.

Note: DirectX 11 mode disables FSR 3.1, leaving only TAA available for anti-aliasing.

Honestly you probably just need to update your hardware.

Split Fiction is highly optimized, and to be honest, it's one of the best releases in a long time. So if you are having a lot of issues with the game and know that you're really pushing your hardware to the limit. This might just be the sign you need to upgrade your system. If your system is barely meeting the game's minimum requirements that's pretty much all you need to know.