How to FIx SCRCPY Wireless Slow with Lag and Latency

If you have switched from the wired version of SCRCPY to the Wireless version but are having major issues with lag and latency and just around general slowness. There are quite a few different things you need to do in order to solve the issue. That said, there are some basic hardware limitations that may also be hindering your experience but we'll cover those as well.

How to FIx SCRCPY Wireless Slow with Lag and Latency

The wired version of SCRCPY is super simple to set up and use and has a ton of different customisation options. It always works exceptionally well with the default configuration. However, the wireless version isn't so straightforward. There are a lot of different things that can make or break its functionality, both configuration and hardware.

Is your Hardware the Problem?

As SCRCPY wireless uses your WiFi network to do everything it's important to make sure that you have a decent router and network adapter. The faster your WiFi network the better SCRCPY Wireless is going to work with your device. If you are too far away from the device you will also have issues. So if your connection is not constant you will have issues. For the best SCRCPY wireless experience, you might need to upgrade your router.

If it isn't Hardware. It's Time for Custom Settings.

Now that you have confirmed or ruled out hardware as an issue there are some steps you can take to make using SCRCPY wireless better. Optimising SCRCPY Wireless essentially. If you have poor hardware consider running a performance configuration like the following:

Max Performance H265 (If your device supports H265)

scrcpy --serial --max-size=1024 --video-codec=h265 --video-bit-rate=6M --audio-bit-rate=128K --max-fps=30

Max performance H264 (Older Devices)

scrcpy --serial --max-size=1024 --video-codec=h264 --video-bit-rate=6M --audio-bit-rate=128K --max-fps=30

Note: Replace the IP with your phone's IP. You can customise these settings however you like but these are a great place to start.

These are just two basic configuration options you can use but there are endless configurations you can create. Check out the official GitHub page for a full list of all the commands that you can use for strings. Here is a full guide on setting up and creating custom .bat shortcuts you can use to launch SCRCPY with all your preferences and optimisations running.

How to create SCRCPY Batch file shortcuts to run multiple commands.

SCRCPY Wireless Crashing When Using Custom Commands.

Usually, the fix is to adjust the screen resolution that SCRCPY is opening with. This is the primary fix for crashing on the wired version of SCRCPY and works very well with the wireless version as well. Just add the code to your Wireless launch file.

How to change screen resolution in SCRCPY.

If this doesn't solve the problem one of your commands might be incompatible with your device. So work your way through an elimination process by slowly adding to your string until you find the one that crashes your session.
