If you are trying to use SCRCPY but repeatedly get an error message that says Error: Could not invoke method. You're probably wondering what is causing the problem and what the problem actually is. Thankfully this vague error message is easy to fix and works with any operating system you use SCRCPY on, including Linux.


  1. Learn how to fix Error: Could not invoke method in SCRCPY
  2. Solve SCRCPY Error: Could not invoke method

What is Causing SCRCPY Error: Could not invoke method?

While the actual error message doesn't really give you much information to work with the log data that comes with it does. And because that info is super complicated here's the simple version of the issue anyone can understand.

Missing Functions: scrcpy is looking for specific functions to handle clipboard stuff (copy-pasting) and to show your screen on your computer. But in the version of Android on your Raspberry Pi, those functions aren't available or have changed, so scrcpy crashes.

Why This Happens: The version of Android you're using (Android 14) might be too new or customized, and scrcpy isn’t fully ready to work with it. However 99% of the time it's actually your SCRCPY version that's the issue. So make sure you are using the latest version of SCRCPY.

How to Fix SCRCPY Error: Could not invoke method?

If you haven't already figured out what the solution to this problem is you'll be happy to know that it is actually a really easy one and one that will work regardless of the device you are using. Simply update SCRCPY to the latest version possible. SCRCPY gets regular updates as well so any issues get fixed super fast and new features are constantly being added and tweaked.

Customising SCRCPY

If you haven't already started using some of the customisation options available in SCRCPY there are dozens upon dozens of different ways you can fully optimise the experience with SCRCPY. We've got a full list of options listed below. How to Customise and Optimise SCRCPY