How to Fix SCRCPY Error ALSA: Couldn’t open audio device: Host is down.

Older versions of SCRCPY didn't include audio forwarding as standard and required a tool called SNDCPY to forward the audio to PC. However, since SCRCPY version 2.0 audio forwarding has been included in SCRCPY and for the most part it works really well, though you may get Demuxer error - ALSA: Couldn’t open audio device: Host is down. If so follow along as we guide you through the steps to solve it.

How to Fix SCRCPY Error ALSA: Couldn’t Open Audio Device: Host is Down.

In order to solve this problem there are two different methods. The first is for one-time use cases but is time-consuming to do each and everything time. The second is the better option as it saves you a ton of time. We’ll be covering both though so pick the one that you prefer. If you are getting WASAPI can't initialize audio client: Element not found. The steps in this guide will also solve the problem for you.

Option 1 - Use Command Prompt to Launch SCRCPY.

scrcpy --no-audio

This will tell SCRCPY that you don’t want to use audio which is what is causing SCRCPY to crash and display the error message. If you desperately need audio but your device refuses to forward audio you can try using SNDCPY.

Option 2 - Create a New Shortcut to Launch SCRCPY.

Creating a custom .bat file is a better options and will save you a ton of time if you use SCRCPY quite often.

Just fixing the audio bug.

Fixing the audio bug and using other Commands.
