How to fix OneNote Sync error 0xe0000024 bdf5h on Windows 11.

If you are using OneNote as your primary note-taking tool but are having some issues with Sync, particularly Sync error 0xe0000024 bdf5h on Windows 11. This article will guide you through several different steps that you can take that will get OneNote sync working again on Windows 10 and 11. 

Related: How to Recover Deleted Sticky Notes on Windows 10. (Restore Deleted Sticky Notes)

Microsoft OneNote is a versatile digital note-taking application that allows users to create, organize, and share notes seamlessly across various platforms, including Windows, Mac, iOS, and Android. It simplifies storing and accessing information, collaborating with others, and synchronizing notes across devices. However! When syncing OneNote across different devices and/or platforms on Windows, you might come across the OneNote sync error 0xe0000024 bdf5h. 

Encountering OneNote sync error 0xe0000024 bdf5h can impact your productivity and hinder your ability to access up-to-date information. This issue prevents proper synchronization of your devices, meaning changes made on one device may not reflect on other platforms. Consequently, this can lead to data inconsistencies, potential data loss, and difficulties collaborating with others who rely on synchronized notebooks.

Create the SkyDriveAuthenticationProvider Key






Note: Replace “16.0” with the appropriate version number if you have a newer version of Microsoft Office.

Update OneNote to fix Sync error 0xe0000024 bdf5h on Windows

Reset OneNote and OneDrive

Clear Generic Credentials to fix OneNote Sync error 0xe0000024 bdf5h on Windows
