How to Fix OneNote error 0xe0000002 The exception unknown software exception on Windows 11.

If you are trying to fix OneNote error 0xe0000002 The exception unknown software exception on Windows 11 but can't quite figure out a solution. This article will show you several different troubleshooting steps you can take to solve the problem on Windows 10 and 11. The best part is the process doesn't require any advanced Windows knowledge or third-party tools.

Related: How to fix UnityPlayer.dll was not found error in Windows.

Microsoft OneNote is a very handy little piece of software that lets you create little digital notes to organise yourself and all the tasks you need to complete in your day to day life. It has a variety of formats, such as text, drawings, and multimedia and is super flexible with version available on Windows, Android and iOS. While it is pretty stable for the most part, there is one error you may come across at some stage. Error 0xe0000002, which also comes with the following message: “The exception unknown software exception.” This problem usually shows up when opening OneNote, then proceeds to ruin your day. The good news is that there are a couple of ways you can find out what might be causing the problem and solve the source of the problem So let's get started. 

How do you Resolve OneNote Error Code 0xe0000002 The exception unknown software exception on Windows?

The first thing that you need to do before anything else is to Update OneNote on your computer. 

Clear the Cache in OneNote

This is the next most successful option for solving this problem and is a quick and easy process that can be done from File Explorer.

Note: Ensure to replace <user> with your actual username in the provided path to avoid errors. Also, verify the version number based on your Microsoft Office installation.

Disable Antivirus to Fix Onenote

Repair OneNote

Reinstall Microsoft Office and/or OneNote.

This is the final solution and one that solves problems, errors and crashing across the board.
