How to fix NODE.dll is missing or not found on Windows 11.

If you are to launch programs and apps on Windows 11 but keep getting the following error message: NODE.dll is missing or not found. This article will guide you through several different steps you can take to resolve this major Windows 11 error. Without the Node.dll file, Windows will be next to useless.

Related: How to fix Adobe After Effects error MSVCP110.dll, MSVCR110.dll, MSVCR100.dll was not found.

.dll files are some of the most important and undervalued files on Windows 10 and 11. They work in the background to make sure programs and apps work exactly the way they should. They are also some of the most susceptible files for being corrupted, going missing or getting infected with malicious content. We’ve recently covered a lot of different .dll related errors for Windows 10 and 11 that you can check out here.

The Node.dll file on Windows allows software to run successfully and is located in the %windir%\system32 or %windir%\SysWOW64 folder. It is a Dynamic-link library file that allows multiple software programs to share the same functionality. Which is why so many different programs and apps stop working when it goes missing or is corrupted.

How do you fix NODE.dll is missing or not found on Windows 11.

If the NODE.dll file is missing or corrupted on Windows 11 there are only a few things you can do to fix or restore it. If none of these troubleshooting steps work, you’ll need to reset Windows 11 to solve the problem.

Option 1: Run SFC and DISM Scans

Option 2: Re-register node.dll

Option 3: Reset Windows 11.

Run SFC to fix NODE.dll is missing or not found on Windows 11.

Before starting these steps, make sure you have a backup of your data, in case something goes wrong. This is standard procedure for any repair task on Windows.

Note: If SFC doesn’t find any errors proceed to the next solution, skipping the 3 dot points below.

Run DISM to fix NODE.dll is missing or not found on Windows 11.

Next, you can try running the DISM command to fix high CPU/Disk usage from WaasMedic.exe on Windows 11.

Re-register node.dll fix NODE.dll is missing or not found on Windows 11.

If the above two solutions don’t work for you you can try the following to re-register the Node.dll

If you get an error message during this process you’ll have to Reset Windows 11 or take a gamble with a node.dll file downloaded from the Internet. You can download .dll files from, however, I would personally reset Windows rather than use a file downloaded from a dll website. You never know if the file is clean or not. Remember that this 32-bit DLL is placed in the System32 folder. Also, double-check if the file is located in the SysWOW64 folder as well.
