How to Fix Mouse Cursor Not Locking in the Game Window After Using the Xbox Game Bar

On multi-monitor setups, using the Xbox Game Bar can sometimes cause the mouse cursor to stop being locked within the game window. Instead, it moves freely across monitors, disrupting gameplay. Sometimes this just minimises the game but in more extreme cases it can cause games to crash so in this guide we'll show you how to fix the mouse not locking to the game window when using Game Bar on Windows 11.

How to Fix Mouse Cursor Not Locking in the Game Window After Using the Xbox Game Bar

Updating your system to the latest version can resolve many compatibility and performance issues. Beta updates often include early fixes for known bugs.

Disable the Xbox Overlay

The Xbox Game Bar overlay may interfere with cursor locking on multi-monitor setups.

Disable the Xbox Game Bar Entirely

If disabling the overlay doesn’t help, consider turning off the Game Bar completely.

Adjust In-Game Settings

Quite a lot of games include options to lock the cursor within the game window. So if the game has this option it's a good idea to use it!

Uninstall Recent Windows Updates

If a recent update caused the problem, rolling it back might help.

Reinstall your GPU Drivers using Display Driver Uninstaller (DDU)

Doing it this way with your Internet connection disabled prevents Windows from installing junk generic drivers before you get the chance to install the proper ones
