How to fix Modern Warfare 3 DirectX Unrecoverable Error.

If you are trying to play Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3 but are getting DirectX Unrecoverable Error or a similar DirectX error message when you launch the game. This article will guide you through a few different steps and processes that you can use to solve this error message and start playing Modern Warfare 3.

Related: How to fix MW3 Startup-up Crashes 0xc0000005(0) N & 0x00001338(11960) N

These days, it feels like a rarity to encounter a video game that actually launches smoothly without any hitches. Instead, they often come with problems like crashing and black screen issues. And even if those issues are avoided, it's not unusual to face a significant performance drop that inexplicably devours system resources.

As expected, the release of Call of Duty Modern Warfare 3 hasn't broken this trend, as it's already dealing with some major launch errors. Thankfully, DirectX errors are quite common in the gaming industry so follow along as we guide you through the process of fixing 3 DirectX Unrecoverable Error.

General Fixes for COD:MW3 DirectX Unrecoverable Error.

Before diving into more specific solutions, try these general fixes. They might help resolve the DirectX unrecoverable error in MW3.

Verify Game Files on Steam/

First things first, If you haven't already try verifying your game files. This step is always the one you should try first as it ensures that any corrupted or missing game files are repaired or re-downloaded.


Reset In-Game Settings (via Config Files)

If the error persists, reset your in-game settings.

Compatibility Issues.

Check for compatibility issues that may be causing the DirectX error:

Multiple GPU Solution. Make Sure MW3 Runs on the Correct GPU (Laptop Users)

If you have both an integrated GPU and a dedicated one (common in gaming laptops), this solution might help.
