How to fix Microsoft Store error 0x8A150006 on Windows 11.

If you are using Windows 11 and need to download and install apps and games from the Microsoft Store but can’t lately because you keep getting error 0x8A150006. This article will show you several different things you can do to solve the problem so that you can download and install apps and games from the Microsoft Store once again.

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The Microsoft Store on Windows operating systems is a primary part of the OS that Microsoft wants users to use more and more, however, it doesn’t really offer anything of substance. Outside the Xbox app for Game Pass and a few other essentials, it’s not exactly screaming usefulness.

That said, you will find yourself using it from time to time, especially if you are using Game Pass and the Xbox app or if you need to update some of the default apps on your system. Apps like the Mail app, calendar app, etc. For the most part, this is a quick and easy process that usually happens automatically but as usual, there are instances where you may encounter problems. Problems such as Microsoft Store error 0x8A150006 which prevents you from downloading and installing content from the Microsoft Store app.

How do you fix Microsoft Store error 0x8A150006 on Windows 11?

As with just about everything on Windows 11, there are multiple possible solutions for this problem. More than likely, you will also need to run through several different fixes so work your way down the list until the problem is resolved.

Uninstall any new software that you may have installed which is causing conflicts or remove a Windows update.

If the issue started shortly after installing new software, you should uninstall that software and see if the problem goes away. If it does you’ve found your answer. You can also do the same if you have noticed that a recent Windows update has caused the issue you can also uninstall the latest Windows update to solve the problem.

How to uninstall a bad Windows 11 update. Rollback a Windows 11 update.

Run the Windows 11 Store app troubleshooting tool to Fix Microsoft Store error 0x8A150006 on Windows 11.

Another decent solution you can use to solve this issue is to run the Windows Store apps troubleshooting tool. While this wasn’t all that helpful or useful on older versions of Windows it has a far better success rate on Windows 11.

Repair or Reset the Microsoft Store to fix error 0x8A150006.

This is another really good tool you can use to fix most Microsoft Store issues. It simply repairs or resets the store to its default settings.

After you have done both of these, sign back in and check to see if you can use the Store without error 0x8A150006.

Clear the Microsoft Store Cache to fix error 0x8A150006.

The last quick fix for this problem is to clear the Microsoft Store cache which works very well when coupled with all the solutions you’ve already used as it will remove any corruptions that may be causing this error message. If you haven’t done this before the steps are below.

Reinstall the Microsoft Store to fix error 0x8A150006 on Windows 11.

The final solution is to clean install the Microsoft Store. Unfortunately, this isn’t as simple as it is for other software on Windows so you’ll need to use the process shown below.

Uninstall Microsoft Store Command

Get-AppxPackage -allusers *WindowsStore* | Remove-AppxPackage

Reinstall Microsoft Store Command

Get-AppxPackage -allusers *WindowsStore* | Foreach {Add-AppxPackage -DisableDevelopmentMode -Register “$($_.InstallLocation)\AppXManifest.xml”}
