How to fix Microsoft Store error 0x80131505 on Windows 11.

If you have updated to Windows 11 and keep getting error 0x80131505 when you open the Microsoft Store. This article will show you several different things you can try to resolve the problem. Although this error message states that the issue may be on their end, there is a good chance it is actually on yours.

Related: How to fix Microsoft Game Pass sign up changing back to US website constantly.

The Microsoft Store hasn’t exactly been the greatest component of Windows operating systems. I’ve personally only ever used it a handful of times, mostly to download the Netflix app and I’m sure a lot of other people feel the exact same way about it. Apart from being basically void of any decent content, the Microsoft Store is also prone to quite an assortment of annoying bugs and error messages.

Recently a lot of users are encountering error 0x80131505 when trying to access the Microsoft Store on Windows 11 and quite often Windows 10. The error message reads “Try that again, something happened on our end. Waiting a bit might help. Refresh the page. Error 0x80131505” Thankfully, there are quite a few quick fixes you can use to solve the problem so follow along as we guide you through them.

First sign out of the Microsoft Store, then try again.

Keep in mind that you may not always be able to access the sign-out option. If this is the case, skip this option and try another first.

Run the Windows Store apps troubleshooter.

If nothing so far has worked you can try running the Windows Store Apps troubleshooter.

Reset the Microsoft Store app to fix error 0x80131505.

Next, try resetting the Microsoft Store and see if that helps. Here are the steps you need to take to reset the Windows Store app:

Run the SFC Command to fix Microsoft Store error 0x80131505 on Windows 11.

Run the DISM command to fix Microsoft Store error 0x80131505 on Windows 11.

If none of the above has worked so far, you can try running the DISM command to fix Windows 11 lock screen freezing.
