A lot of people use SCRCPY to play, record, and stream games on their mobile devices while mirroring to Windows computers. However, there are some issues you may come across whilst trying to do this. The most common of these issues is random black flickering in certain games on certain devices while using SCRCPY. There are a couple of ways you can fix this problem so we'll walk you through the steps.


  1. Learn how to flickering graphics when playing games using SCRCPY on PC.
  2. Fix flickering in games when using SCRCPY to play and record content.

How to Fix Flickering Graphics in SCRCPY When Playing or Recording Games.

While this can happen on just about any device it seems to be most common on Xiaomi and Samsung devices and it usually looks like this:

  • Graphics flicker on the PC display.
  • No flickering on the mobile device screen.
  • Recorded gameplay with scrcpy --record=file.mp4 captures the glitch.

Tip: Usually changing video encoder settings (software encoders) fixes the flickering but can introduce unplayable input lag. But the issue can also be related to different cables and wireless setups as well.

If you aren't sure how to use custom command lines to customise and change things in SCRCPY, check out the guide linked below as it will take you through the entire process of running commands and creating batch shortcuts to make life 100x easier while using SCRCPY.

How to use SCRCPY Command Prompt Shortcuts.

Lower Resolution in SCRCPY

Use a lower screen resolution for the mirroring. This actually solves a lot of problems so it's worth a try especially if you have a low-end device. Even if you have a high-end device you might want to give this a try, even if just to see if the problem is resolved.

scrcpy --max-size=1024

How to Fix Flickering Graphics in SCRCPY When Playing or Recording Games

How to change screen resolution in SCRCPY.

Change Video Codec SCRCPY

Try using the H.265 codec instead of the default H.264. H.265 is a far more efficient encoder that should make the connection run smoother but it doesn't always seem to solve this problem.

scrcpy --video-codec=h265

Fix Flickering Graphics in SCRCPY

Note: This is not possible on some devices as they do not support H.265 but if you're device does you can test if it solves the problem.

How to change the Video Codec SCRCPY uses | H.264, H.265, AV1.

Update All your Drivers and Software

  • Make sure that you are using the latest version of SCRCPY.
  • Make sure you update your phone software.
  • Make sure Windows is up to date.

Still not working? It's probably a bug and you need to wait.

The flickering is More than likely caused by a bug in the phone's hardware video encoder during screen capture so you might just have to wait for your phone to get a software update or for SCRCPY to get a software update though I don't think SCRCPY is actually the issue here.