How to Fix Epic Games error 502 on Windows 10 & 11.

If you are trying to open the Epic Games client but it keeps showing error 502 on Windows 10 and 11. Solving Epic Games error: Backend error: The remote server returned an error (502) Bad Gateway. And closing. This article will show you several different troubleshooting steps you can use to solve Epic Games error 502.

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Epic Games has become a popular digital game storefront, known for discounts, free games, and exclusive titles. Though it is popular amongst Fortnite players and people looking for free games, it's still nowhere near as good as Steam. It’s also quite a fair bit less reliable. While not a total disaster like Origin, the Epic Games client does have technical issues, such as the "Bad Gateway" error 502 on Windows 10 and 11.

Typically this error indicates a communication problem between your computer and Epic Games servers. Usually, it’s a simple network connection issue and a simple router/modem restart will solve the problem. However, there are times when the issue is a little more complicated so you will have to work your way through some extra steps in order to solve the problem.

Run the Epic Games Client as an Administrator.

Install the Epic Games Launcher in another Directory.

Reset the Epic Games Launcher Cache.

Uninstall and Reinstall the Launcher.

Create a Missing Sub-folder.

Use Program Install and Uninstall Troubleshooter.

Try Installing .NET Framework.
