Auto brightness is a great feature to have enabled on your device but it does have a tendency to be temperamental. Sometimes it's way too bright and sometimes it's way too dark, then there are the times it gets stuck somewhere in between. If you are having any problems with auto brightness/adaptive brightness on your Windows devices, this guide will shed some light on a few possible solutions.


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Auto brightness is designed to optimize the brightness of your screen depending on your surroundings. If you are using your device in a brightly lit room, it will generally increase brightness and does the opposite as the environment gets darker. Most of the time you may not even notice the subtle transition between the changes, however, sometimes adaptive brightness will start making adjustments a little too frequently or out of character. If you suspect there is something wrong with your auto brightness function, below are a few troubleshooting steps you can take to solve the problem.

Fixing Adaptive Brightness / Auto Brightness Problems on Windows.

There are a few different ways you can approach this problem, all of which offer a possible solution to auto brightness issues. Thankfully most of these steps are quite easy to action and should have your screen back to normal pretty quick.

Method 1: Disable Adaptive Contrast Enhancement. (Intel Graphics)

This will vary a little depending on the version of Intel Graphics installed on your computer but you should be able to find the setting in a similar place.

  • First, open the Intel Graphics / Media Control Panel.
  • Next, click on Video.
  • Then, Image Enhancement > Advanced.
  • Uncheck Adaptive Contrast Enhancement and Film Mode Detection.
  • Click Apply then OK.


You can also try the following from the Intel Graphics tool.

  • Go to Power > On Battery.
  • Then, Disable the option Display Power Saving Technology.

After a Restart, your auto brightness should balance itself out.

Note: If you are using AMD you should be able to find similar options in the Catalyst Control Center.

Method 2: Disable Adaptive Brightness Feature on Windows.

You can also make some changes to adaptive brightness from the Windows settings.

  • Type Power Options into the start menu and select it when it appears.
  • Next, click on Change plan settings or your Current power plan.


  • Now click on Change advanced power settings.
  • Scroll down to Display and expand it.
  • Now click on Enable Adaptive Brightness to expand it.
  • Finally, set both settings here to Off.


Your device’s auto Brightness problems should now be fixed.

Method 3: Disable the Sensor Monitoring Service on Windows.

  • First, open the Run tool by pressing Windows Key + R on your keyboard.
  • Next, type services.msc into the tool and press Enter.
  • Now find the Sensor Monitoring Service in the Services window and double-click on it.
  • Set the startup type to Disable.
  • To finish click Apply and OK.


That sums up all the ways in which you can fix any auto brightness / adaptive brightness problems. Generally, you will find these steps more effective when using Windows Surface devices and tablets, as Windows laptops and computers generally don’t have as many issues with brightness. Most people just run them at full brightness as they are usually connected to a power supply or are stationary.