Windows 10 has a rocky automatic update history, with almost every update since its release having major problems, one of the worst to date being the update to KB4093112 - Error 0x80070002. After searching high and low for solutions to this update error, we’ve put together a guide listing all the options available to finally fix the error.


How to Block All Windows 10 Updates.

The following article is quite long and lists quite a few different options you can try to fix “2018-04 Cumulative Update for Windows 10 Version 1709 for x64-based Systems (KB4093112) - Error 0x80070002” so feel free to skip ahead to solutions you haven’t already tried.

1. Manually Update to the Next Version.

This is generally considered the best way to force Windows past any troublesome updates and from my personal experience, has been the best solution for a lot of previous Windows 10 update problems. The below link will take you directly to the Windows update catalog and update KB4093112.

When you get to the page make sure you choose the correct version for your system, either x32 or 64x otherwise the update will fail before it begins.

32 bit - 2018-04 Cumulative Update for Windows 10 Version 1709 for x86-based Systems (KB4093112)
64 bit - 2018-04 Cumulative Update for Windows 10 Version 1709 for x64-based Systems (KB4093112)

If you still continue to experience problems after trying a manual update, continue down the list.

2. Block Update KB4093112 Until the Next Cumulative Update is Released.

If you aren’t in a rush to update to the latest version of Windows 10 you can block update KB4093112 and force Windows to skip the bugged out update. To do this you will have to download and use the Windows update hiding tool.

Once you have the tool on your system, simply run it, select Hide, then scroll through the list, find update KB4093112 and check the box next to it to block the update.

how to fix 2018-04 cumulative update

3. Rename the Software Distribution Folder.

This solution is a little more complicated than the above two options but has a high chance of fixing (KB4093112) - Error 0x80070002 on your system. It involves deleting or renaming the Windows update folder on your computer, which allows Windows 10 start fresh, without any damaged data.

How to Rename or Delete the Windows 10 Software Distribution Folder.

4. Reset the Catroot2 Folder.

If the above steps failed to get the update moving, you can try resetting the Catroot2 folder. This folder is similar to software distribution folder and contains Windows update components, you can find it here:


To reset this folder, follow the below steps.

Press Windows Key + X and open the Command Prompt as Administrator.

In the Command Prompt window run the following commands:

net stop cryptsvc
md %systemroot%\system32\catroot2.old
xcopy %systemroot%\system32\catroot2 %systemroot%\system32\catroot2.old /s

After running those commands, Delete everything in the Catroot2 folder, then run following commands:

md %systemroot%\system32\catroot2.old
net start cryptsvc

Finally, Restart your computer and update Windows.

Alternatively, you can use the following commands from Command Prompt as Admin.

Net Stop bits
Net Stop wuauserv
Net Stop appidsvc
Net Stop cryptsvc
Ren %systemroot%\SoftwareDistribution SoftwareDistribution.bak
Ren %systemroot%\system32\catroot2 catroot2.bak
Net Start bits
Net Start wuauserv
Net Start appidsvc
Net Start cryptsvc

5. Wait For the Spring Creators Update (Windows Version 1803)

If all of the above has failed to fix the problem, which is quite possible, the best solution is to wait for the up and coming Redstone 4 update (Spring Creators). This update will allow you to manually Upgrade Windows 10 to the latest version, bypassing all minor updates.

The Spring Creators was due for release on the 11th of April this year, however, has been postponed for a few weeks while several bugs are fixed. Once it has been released, you’ll be able to upgrade and fix “2018-04 Cumulative Update for Windows 10 Version 1709 for x64-based Systems (KB4093112) - Error 0x80070002“

How to Update to Windows 10 (Redstone) Spring Creators Manually.

Note: Step 5 isn't worth risking in my opinion, after using this method on several machines it has a 50% chance of requiring a fresh installation of Windows 10. A corruption in the update that causes Error 0x80070002 can cause the April Update (Spring Creators) to further corrupt your system, preventing all rollbacks and restore methods from working.