The Phone Link app on Windows 11 isn't the most widely used tool on the operating system but Microsoft is still adding new and interesting features to it semi-regularly. Now Windows is getting a new mobile sidebar in the Start menu, providing quick access to your phone’s battery status, notifications, messages, calls, and photos. This guide will show you how to enable or disable the feature but we'll also introduce you to an even better alternative to Phone Link.

- How do you disable the Mobile Sidebar on Windows 11?
- Disable the Mobile Sidebar on the Windows 11 Start Menu.
Table of Contents
What is the Mobile Sidebar?
The sidebar floats to the right of the Start menu, displaying dynamic content like message notifications and battery status. Clicking on any item will open the Phone Link app for a deeper view.
The Best Windows Phone Link Alternatives
Since Phone Link on Windows isn't exactly that fantastic, I highly suggest switching to SCRCPY for way more features and way more flexibility. If you haven't already experimented with SCRCPY we have dozens and dozens of guides you can find here that will guide you through the entire process.
System Requirements
This feature is currently in preview and has specific requirements:
- OS: Windows 11 build 22635.4805 or higher (Beta Channel) or 26120.3000 or higher (Dev Channel)
- Phone Link Version: 1.24121.30.0 or higher
- Microsoft Account: Same account on PC and phone
- Bluetooth Support: Bluetooth Low Energy (LE)
To use this feature, you need to connect your Android or iPhone to your computer using the "Phone Link" app on Windows and "Link to Windows" on your phone. If the feature isn't readily available, it may need to be enabled manually using ViveTool.
How to Enable or Disable the Start Menu Mobile Sidebar on Windows 11
- Open Settings.
- Click Personalization.
- Select the Start page.
- Toggle Show mobile device in Start to enable the feature.
When you open the Start menu, the sidebar will now appear on the right side, showing phone-related information. Clicking any element will launch the Phone Link app.
If the feature doesn’t appear, ensure that your phone is fully connected by opening the Phone Link app and confirming permissions for calls, messages, and photos.
Enable Sidebar via ViveTool
If the feature is still unavailable, you can manually activate it with ViveTool:
- Visit the GitHub page for ViveTool and download the latest file.
- Open the zip file with File Explorer and click Extract all.
- Click Extract and copy the folder path.
- Open Start, search for Command Prompt, and select Run as administrator.
Use the following command to navigate to the ViveTool folder:
cd c:\folder\path\ViveTool-v0.x.x
- (Replace folder\path with your actual folder location)
Enter this command to enable the sidebar:
vivetool /enable /id:48697323,48433719
- Restart your computer.
The feature should now be available in Start settings.
Disable Start Menu Mobile Sidebar on Windows 11
- Open Settings.
- Click Personalization.
- Select the Start page.
- Toggle off Show mobile device in Start.
The sidebar will no longer appear in the Start menu.
Disable Sidebar via ViveTool
- Open Start, search for Command Prompt, and select Run as administrator.
Navigate to the ViveTool folder:
cd c:\folder\path\ViveTool-v0.x.x
- (Replace folder\path with your actual folder location)
Enter this command to disable the sidebar: vivetool /disable /id:48697323,48433719
- Restart your computer.
The sidebar feature will now be removed from Start settings.