If you are making the switch from Premiere Pro to Davinci Resolve or are just starting out with Davinci for the first time, you probably want to switch the main Edit screen from the default dual viewer to a single viewer. This is less distracting and gives you full focus on your project. So follow along as we show you exactly how to do it because it does bug out sometimes and isn’t as simple as it should be.

Table of Contents
Related: How to Remove Noise & Grain from Video in Premiere Pro.
It took me a long time to make the switch from Premiere Pro to Davinci Resolve out of fear of having to re-learn everything. However, after actually taking the leap recently I found that my entire fear was for nothing. After watching a single YouTube video on the basics of Davinci I realised just about everything is exactly the same and is even layout out in a far more simple easy-to-use way.
On top of that Davinci Resolve runs 100x better in just about every way, it’s faster, cleaner, more organised and runs like a well-oiled machine. Everything is just quicker, smoother and a hell of a lot cheaper. All that said, there are still a few little annoyances and bugs getting around in Davinci Resolve that you will come across sooner or later. The most common being the change to single view switch not being visible all the time. Thankfully, it’s easy to find/fix so follow along as we guide you through the steps.
How do you change to single view in Davinci Resolve? Single/Dual view toggle missing in Davinci Resolve.
In order to switch to single view in Davinci Resolve you will need to do the following.
- First open Davinci Resolve then change to the Edit tab.
- Once you are on this page click the Inspector option in the top right-hand corner of the screen to minimise the tab. You should now see a small icon with two screens, click this and Davinci will switch to single view mode.
- If this doesn’t appear, click the Inspector option a few times toggling it on and off until the single/dual screen icon appears.
This issue has been around for a long time and seems to come and go randomly, however, this little toggling solution is a quick and easy way to get the screen layout that you want without having to do too much extra work or troubleshooting.
Still using Premiere Pro for some stuff?
If you’re still using Premiere Pro for some stuff and haven’t fully switched to Davinci Resolve make sure you check out some of our Premiere Pro guides.
How to export content using AV1 encoding in Premiere Pro.
How to Remove Noise & Grain from Video in Premiere Pro.
How to fix MP4 format files not accepted in Premiere Pro.
How to add AV1 Support to Premiere Pro. Voukoder for Premere Pro.
How to fix Premiere Pro blank screen when pausing playback.
How to fix Premiere Pro MSVCP110.dll, MSVCR110.dll, MSVCR100.dll was not found.