If you are using Windows 11 and would like to remove the weather icon from the Taskbar. This article will show you how to hide the weather icon from the taskbar on Windows 11. It will also show you how to add the weather icon to the Taskbar if it’s missing and you’d like to get it back.

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Related: How to create folders in the Start menu on Windows 11. Create, Rename, Remove.
The Taskbar weather icon on Windows 11 was introduced early on and still isn’t the most optimally designed part of the operating system. It looks clunking, doesn’t really fit the theming and responds oddly depending on how you have your Taskbar and Start menu aligned. For example, the weather widget will appear on the left side of the taskbar if the taskbar icons are aligned to the centre. But when the taskbar icons are aligned to the left, the weather icon is right next to the Start menu icon and doesn’t really provide detailed information about the weather.
The main issue with this is that there is no way to have the weather icon on the right-hand side of the Taskbar which is where it would logically make the most sense. Although a weather widget was one of the most requested features for Windows 11, its implementation has seen a lot of people want to disable it. However, in addition to showing weather information for the selected location, it also displays the Widgets panel when you click or hover the mouse cursor on it.
Note: Disabling the weather widget/icon on the Taskbar will require you to use the Windows + W widget hotkey to access the Widgets panel.
How do you hide the weather icon on the Windows 11 Taskbar?
In order to hide the weather icon on the Windows 11 Taskbar, you will need to do the following.
- First, open the Settings app, then go to Personalization in the left-hand pane.
- Next, go to Taskbar in the central pane. Here you will see a few different options you can disable, however, there isn’t a weather option.
- Instead, you are going to have to disable the Widgets option, so flip the toggle to Off.
Once you make the change you will notice that the weather icon is removed from the Taskbar. This also means that you lose access to widgets so you will have to start using the Window + W keyboard shortcut moving forward. This isn’t the ideal solution, so hopefully, Microsoft makes some changes in the near future.
How do you add the weather icon on the Windows 11 Taskbar?
In order to add the weather icon on the Windows 11 Taskbar, you will need to do the following.
- Open the Settings app, then go to Personalization in the left-hand pane.
- Next, go to Taskbar in the central pane. Here you will see a few different options you can disable. As there isn’t a defined weather option, you are going to have to enable the Widgets option, so flip the toggle to On.
After you make this change, you will notice that the weather icon is now visible on the Taskbar. This also means that you will gain access to widgets, so you can click the icon to view them rather than having to use the Windows Key + W shortcut. We all know that this isn’t the ideal solution, so hopefully, Microsoft makes some changes in the near future. If you’d like to see more guides like this feel free to visit our YouTube channel as well.