LimeWire Acceleration Patch Download
LimeWire Acceleration Patch is a high-end module for LimeWire file sharing application, developed to resolve problems like: slow downloads and disconnections, traffic congestion, improving download speed and reliability, doing so by several methods to achieve 200% to 400% faster downloads, according to our tests, user and website reviews. Various features of the program are detailed bellow.
Here are some key features of "LimeWire Acceleration Patch:"
* Pleasant and manageable interface;
* Automatically clears downloaded and wrong files;
* Operable by system tray icon for a quicker and easier use;
* Automatically resumes paused downloads;
* Automatically searches for more sources at user-specified intervals;
* Saves configurations from last run and auto loads on start-up.
System Requirements:
* LimeWire installed (;
* Windows 95/98/98SE/ME/NT/2000/XP;
* Internet connection.