BitTorrent Download
Sharing files has become one of the fundamental functions of the Web, just after searching for some
information for a homework assignment on Wikipedia and chatting with friends. While sending a few
photos is as easy as a pie, downloading considerable amount of music or films proves to be quite a
challenge. That is when BitTorrent proves inevitable.
Torrent files are currently used by the users all around the globe to share their music, films, games,
documents and other data. It should be kept in mind, however, that a plethora of illegal data is also
available and downloading such files is basically an offense.
Along with its basic feature – data download manager – BitTorrent provides it users with a rich choice
of options that are crucial when downloading a large number of files simultaneously. These options
include queuing, setting priority as well as making limits for the transfer and the speed of connection.
Users are also bound to get enough data on the files they download so photos can be checked for their
resolution, the quality of sound of a movie can be checked, and so on. With just a few clicks the list of
seeders and peers can be displayed.
The program has build-in adware components that make no threat to the security of our computer but
it is advisable to remember not to click on these fields, as closing the popping-out windows takes time
and proves quite irritating.
As one of the best P2P clients around, BitTorrent is simply worth its popularity.