Junkware Removal Tool Download
Junkware Removal Tool is a program that allows to remove from your computer annoying applications such as toolbars that are normally very difficult to get rid of. The program has a very simple interface - it's just a DOS command line in a window.
After launching the application, user has to press any key. Junkware Removal Tool automatically scans the hard drives and removes all the programs from its black list. In the end it displays a report on changes in your system.
If there is a message "failed to delete" it doesn't always mean that the progra failed. If a certain type of crapware has never been installed on your computer such a message can also appear.
Junkware Removal Tool removes applications such as Ask Toolbar, Babylon, Browser Manager, Conduit, DealPly, iLivid, IncediBar, Web Assistant, and many more. Remember to close all your browsers before running a scan.