CleanDisk Download
A majority of programs for cleaning and keeping order on your hard drive are real multimachines that offer numerous additional - and sometimes unnecessary - features. For example, the well-known CCleaner comes also with an Autostart manager and a list of installed programs, allowing you to uninstall them when their standard uninstallers don't work properly. CCleaner can also fix your registry. CleanDisk, however, is different.
This program is a one of the most minimalistic programs, with a not that pretty, but yet very intuitive interface. On its top you can find a window with scanned directories where you can add whole partitions or certain folders only. If you add some then CleanDisk will only work on those chosen directories.
On the bottom you can find two lists. On the left there are active tasks, such as removing temporary files and clearing Internet Explorer's cookies. On the right there are available actions that can be activated by dragging and dropping them onto the list in the left. To do it, use arrows that are placed between the two pannels.
Taks suites can be saved and loaded from your hard drive. This makes your work much easier when you, for instance, have two cleaning procedures - one fast, accomplished two or three times every week, and one longer, fuller, accomplished like twice a month.
The last step you have to take is clicking on the Scan button. Once the analysis is over, CleanDisk will display a list of files suitable for deletion. You can remove them either individually or in chunks - you only have to mark all the files and choose a specific command. The program, however, does not have any features for a buikt-in task schedule.