ManageEngine Firewall Analyzer Download
Firewall Analyzer is a web-based firewall log analysis application developed to collect and create reports on most enterprise firewalls, proxy servers, and VPNs.
Firewalls, Proxy servers, IDS/IPS, and VPNs are important perimeter security tools that protect your network from attacks, intrusions and other threats. These security tools generate a huge quantity of traffic logs, which can be mined/analyzed to generate a wealth of security and bandwidth reports. Use the bandwidth reports to control the usage of bandwidth for business purposes. Use the security reports to secure your enterprise network proactively from external threats. A firewall policy analyzer gives you peace of mind by reducing policy-related risks at all levels.
ManageEngine Firewall Analyzer is a web based, agent-less, firewall log analysis and reporting software. The software application monitors, collects, analyzes, and archives logs from enterprise-wide network perimeter security devices and generate reports. The devices are, Firewalls, Proxy servers, Intrusion Detection System (IDS)/Intrusion Prevention System (IPS), and Virtual Private Networks (VPN) (see complete list of devices supported). Two prominent features of the application are network monitoring and Firewall reports.