PassTool Password Reader Free Download

Only so large by Polish password cracker. Has the ability to decode passwords of several popular programs:

* Mozilla Firefox 3.x Mozilla Firefox 3.x
* Mozilla Thunderbird 3.x Mozilla Firefox 3.x
* Opera Opera
* Internet Explorer 7,8 Internet Explorer 7.8
* Tlen Oxygen
* Tlen 7 7 Oxygen
* Nowe Gadu-Gadu New Gadu-Gadu
* Gadu-Gadu 10 Gadu-Gadu 1910
* Stare Gadu-Gadu Old Gadu-Gadu
* Microsoft Access Microsoft Access
* Total Commander Total Commander
* TheBat! TheBat!
* MSN Live Messanger MSN Live Messenger
* Gmail Notifier Gmail Notifier
* Google Chrome Google Chrome
* Klucze systemowe Keys System
* Dial-Up Dial-Up

In addition, supports all kinds of encoding or decoding of words in the selected algorithm. It has shown passwords export functions to file (TXT, CSV, DOC, DOCX, XLS, xlsx, HTML), display a list of processes, information about your computer and installed applications, which can decode the password PassTool (automatic mode). The program allows you to read data from the memory process, the dial-up accounts and key system (Office and Windows). The PRO version has a few extras designed for Gadu-Gadu 10 and NGG, such as decoding the password server (no password on the assumed profile), compare the profile password, cracking passwords profile (using brute-force and dictionary), the generator dictionary file with a lot number combinations, the hash search profile (and md5) on MD5 Online databases and the ability to read uncoded archive files, profiles and contact lists. Version 7 has been extended to read the history of visited websites on the Internet Explorer (7.8), Mozilla Firefox (3.x), Google Chrome and Opera, and the PRO version is also possible to manually select a history file for your browser. New in this release is PassToola Extras tab, in which we find such features as "Find and copy," or search the selected folders to put the file and copy the findings to the folder with the program. Moreover, in this tab, you can find a simple keylogger (seen entering the characters from the keyboard) to record in real time to file (HTML) and read the archive function from the program Oxygen 7th. The PRO version, as always has the option to start with parameters, version 7 is the ability to read browser history, passwords with installed applications, keylogger and find and copy. Please note that the program is not a type of Trojan, and does not install the system and does not alter any system files, records, does not add to the startup and does not include any data from the network. To start the application required a library sqlite3.dll, and libeay32.dll msvcr71.dll (included in the package) and generate a license file klucz.key (PRO version) - all contained in a package with the program.