ClipX Download

ClipX is a simple clipboard program that captures files copied to the Windows Clipboard, but it doesn't offer a rich set of features compared to other software in the same category. ClipX is simply and offers a basic right-click menu to access copied items and program settings, while a left-click displays recently copied items. In Settings, you can specify how many clips the program keeps and whether to ignore text or bitmap files. ClipX supports hotkey shortcuts to the clip list, ClipX's easy search manager for a specific clip, or launching an online search for an article, but does not offer hotkeys for individual clips o Drag and drop support to easily insert clips.

Best of all ClipX is easy to use and is completely free. It does not preserve text formatting but works with image files. You can also save a set of clips and reload them when needed. With this wonderful software, users have the possibility to copy various elements and recover them, including text and images. It is accessible from the system tray and you can configure it to save between 4 and 1024 entries.