NirjhoR mIRC Script Download

NirjhoR mIRC Script is a powerful IRC client used to chat online with other users. It is becoming more and more popular and is regularly updated with new features. It allows you to log on to one of the thousands of channels (foreign as well), and talk in the private channels with users you have previously selected. You can also chat on multiple channels at once, while information about new activities or private messages will be displayed on the taskbar. Plus there are numerous features, that lets you enjoy chatting.

The latest version of mIRC Script NirjhoR comes with a new color palette that can change the background, the new settings, shortcuts, activity report and the login activity settings. But you can also change the status, and block private messages. In addition to this useful list of features, it has enough extra options to satisfy more demanding users such as improved flood protection ( advertising), advanced search engine users, the ability to turn off unused features, and updated and improved support for MP3 files.